Designer Cut Amethyst Gemstones

Amethyst Shopping Guide

While typical color associations for the month of February are white, pink and red, the February birthstone is amethyst, a beautiful stone known for its deep purple hues. In fact, the “patron of romantic love, [St. Valentine], wore an amethyst ring carved with the image of Cupid” (GIA). At Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers, we created an amethyst shopping guide to showcase its breathtaking qualities!

Amethyst Shopping Guide – A Brief History

The history of the amethyst is a unique and storied one. Prior to the 19th century, jewelers priced amethysts in the same range as rubies and emeralds. Royalty frequently commissioned jewelers to set fine amethyst into priceless sets of crown jewels and religious pieces for centuries. The ancient Greeks associated the precious quartz variant with Bacchus, the god of wine. It was believed the stone kept the wearer clear-headed and quick-witted in battle and in business affairs, and prevented drunkenness (GIA). The price of amethyst became more attainable when miners discover large deposits in Brazil.

Like most of the birthstones, amethysts are graded by the “4 C’s”, determined by the Gemology Institute of America.

Amethyst Shopping Guide - A Color Spectrum from GIA


Traditionally, highly sought-after amethyst stones display deep reddish-purple hues or a rich purple. Although amethyst stones can exist in a full range of purple and even green due to its quartz structure and heat treatments.


Most amethyst jewelry on the market are eye-clean (lacking eye-visible inclusions). However, if the amethyst exhibits eye-visible inclusions yet retains its beautiful, rich color, gemstone cutters will cut amethyst gemstones into cabochons (beads).

Designer Cut Amethyst Gemstones


Due to the sheer size and availability of amethyst stones, designers will cut them into a range of traditional faceted emerald cuts, to round, to beautiful one-of-a-kind freeform shapes.


Amethyst crystal can grow to huge sizes! In fact, in the GIA museum, there is a 164lbs single amethyst crystal on display. Jewelers will place a relatively modest price tag on fine amethyst or large gems because of these large finds.

amethyst pendant necklace from Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers

Stop by Schwanke-Kasten Jewelers, in Whitefish Bay or online, this February to explore our collection of fine amethyst jewelry. They make perfect gifts for Valentine’s Day, February birthdays and 6th and 17th wedding anniversaries!