jade jewelry repair

Jade Jewelry – World of Gemstones

What we refer to as “jade” can actually be one of two separate gems: nephrite or jadeite.  Humanity’s utilization of jade has an extremely long history with prehistoric humans using it for hunting.  As early as 3000 B.C., jade jewelry became known as the “royal gem” in China. Chinese artists have a long history of using the stone in art and culture.  Today it remains to have very special significance (comparable to that of gold or diamonds in the West), and a pierced jade disk is a symbol of heaven.

Both nephrite and jadeite are tough gems and they consist of close-grained, dense, matted aggregates, but they differ from each other in their colors and chemical composition.  Nephrite ranges mainly from mid to dark green or grey-green, but you can also find white, reddish, or yellowish nephrite.  Jadeite displays hues which include green, but you can also find them in pink, white, blacks, reds, violets or, browns.  Color distribution can vary greatly for both nephrite and jadeite.

Generally speaking, gemologists value jade its color, transparency, texture, vivacity, and clarity. Color choice – as well as demand and price – can vary greatly from culture to culture.

Both synthetic and imitation jade can be found on the jewelry market so be sure you’re purchasing true jade by visiting with one of our Schwanke-Kasten professionals. Fashionistas love jade jewelry in necklaces for its versatile look.